by schoolofgymnastics1 | Nov 23, 2017 | Uncategorised
To apply for a Pre school class please complete the General online application form and once the spaces have been allocated you will receive a confirmation email.
by schoolofgymnastics1 | Nov 21, 2017 | Uncategorised
We are delighted to announce that due to the success of the club we will be opening our second centre in January 2018! We have many new classes planned including a new Pre school unit for our tiny gymnasts through to classes for teenagers/young adults. Classes will be...
by schoolofgymnastics1 | Oct 1, 2017 | Uncategorised
*Important news regarding the membership process* Dear parents, you are probably now aware that the British Gymnastics site has crashed and nobody is able to access the online registration system. All members whether current or new are invited to attend classes...
by schoolofgymnastics1 | Sep 23, 2017 | Uncategorised
We’ve had a lovely first week of term meeting all of our new little gymnasts, the first week is always a little crazy but now that everyone is aware of the routine things should be a little calmer this week, have a great weekend!
by schoolofgymnastics1 | Sep 6, 2017 | Uncategorised
Please note that our new term starts on Monday 18th September 2017 🙂
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